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Parrot Heads in Paradise Meeting of the Minds ~ 20th Annual Event

Parrot Heads in Paradise Meeting of the Minds ~ 20th Annual Event
Parrot Heads in Paradise


It all started 20 years ago in Key West, Florida for the love of the music and the Key West laid-back lifestyle portrayed by Jimmy Buffett. Back then many folks still asked, “Jimmy Who,” but those days are long gone and the man and the music have become a legend. Key West is where it all began, and several thousand Parrot Heads flock to the island every November for the annual Parrot Heads in Paradise ‘Meeting of the Minds. ‘This year is the 20th anniversary with the theme “Don’t Stop the Carnival” – November 3 – 6.

Many of Jimmy Buffett’s songs refer to people and places in Key West – like Elizabeth Street, Fausto’s Food Palace, Blue Heaven Restaurant, Capt.Tony, Phil Clark, and of course “Margartitaville” which was iconicized as a famous café in Key West, and folks flock to it for a famous ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise.’ Both the café and the island have become a Mecca for Parrot Heads from all over the world.

The Parrot Head Club has grown to include over 200 chapters worldwide with a defined philanthropic purpose to assist local community and environmental needs.  Fun loving Parrot Heads not only gather to have a good time with social events, they pool their collective minds in well organized service projects such as toy drives for underprivileged children and community blood drives.

There’s always a live music show with some of Jimmy Buffett’s band members at the annual Key West Parrot Heads Meeting of the Minds, and the big question is always “Will Jimmy show up this year?” Keep your fingers crossed … You never know for sure.


November 03, 2011