Key West Valentine’s Day ~ Romance Me in the Garden Darling

On Valentine’s Day a passionate summons is made for romance in an exotic Key West garden. This poem reveals a precious interlude and an inspiration for love, peace and grace found in an historic tropical island tree-garden.

Romance me in the garden darling amidst the tall palm trees with exotic orchids married to their slender trunks,
Intoxicating scent of night blooming jasmine softly blending with the salty sensuous breeze,
Candle light flickers from our cottage window, the moon peaking from above as we find that joyful place of deep exulted love.
The sweetness of the moment is hallowed forever as we’re carried away in the sanctuary of the garden,
Fragrant fertile frangipani nod in knowing approval,
Ravishing Rangoon creeper vines fuel the moment by oozing intoxicating perfume,
Pink petals from a wise old tabebuia tree, forever prolific, gently drift down to the pool,
Like mini fireworks aflame fertile bromeliads explode their red and yellow flowers,
Crowning giant white birds of paradise sing glory from way above the ground.
Grandfather mahogany tree with limbs the size of trunks and a view of the sea rains down its leaves in approval,
Giant dilly trees drop buckets of sweet golden ripe fruit to the ground to nourish us forever,
An old yellow cassia tree with rugged black bark seems to glow in the shadow of a stand of slick giant golden bamboo.
Red and pink hibiscus flowers, nestled in the understory with the macho ferns, nod and sway in a nubile dance of joy,
Artistic stone statues stand among the trees to remind us that with love comes peace and kindness as well as romance and passion,
An angel and a Buddha gesture for compassion along the stone path, teaching us that earth herself is a precious garden to be cherished and passed along with grace,
A serene mermaid bathes in a coral fountain bubbling from a deep fresh-water spring that flows with life and hope-eternal for the garden.
Flower vines of lanky yellow angel trumpets intertwined with red bougainvillea climb toward the sky lacing tightly to the garden arbor,
Each bewitching bloom is like a lively trumpet sounding out to prove that flowers and trees are the purest universal song of love.
The ancient banyan tree at the front gate guards this intoxicating moment of our love,
For it is revealed in the garden on this Valentine’s Day, my darling, that it is on the petal of each flower, the branch of each tree, and the leaf on each branch,
Where true love waits to be noticed, then discovered, then embraced, again and again, forever and ever.