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Close Encounters with Endangered Florida Keys Deer

Close Encounters with Endangered Florida Keys Deer
Key Deer on 'No Name Key' - Photo by Joyce Hendrix


Close encounters with Key deer in the Florida Keys … These deer are extremely small, cute as Bambi, almost tame, and endangered. The buck deer in this picture on ‘No Name Key,’ weighs less than 70 pounds soaking wet. The U.S. Fish and wildlife Service and independent scientific studies are reporting in June 2012, through the Center for Biological Diversity, that the once nearly decimated herd is on the gradual rebound. 2011 estimates say there is a population of around 800 deer as opposed to 400 in 1967, when they were declared endangered. This endangered species is recovering under federal protection. Others that are rebounding include manatees, green sea turtles, wood-storks, and American crocodiles. This is fantastic news!



June 15, 2012