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Celebrate 4th of July in Key West ~ Caribbean Island Style

Celebrate 4th of July in Key West ~ Caribbean Island Style


You’re invited to celebrate the 4th of July Independence Day in Key West, Caribbean ‘island style,’ where locals and visitors unite in a unique variety of fun festivities.  Key West loves a party and the 4th of July is no exception. Choose from several unique and fabulous activities and events.  At only 2 by 4 miles, the island is so tiny you can choose to take in more than one. Starting at 9:00 PM, enjoy a wonderful fireworks display over the Atlantic Ocean, courtesy of the Key West Rotary Club.

A big annual event for an important cause is the Key West 4th of July picnic to benefit Hospice of the Florida Keys and Visiting Nurse Association.  Staged on the waterfront of the Atlantic Ocean, at the luxurious Casa Marina Resort, join-in for a traditional all-American feed of hamburgers, hot dogs and all the fixings, watermelon, popcorn, and cold drinks. Fabulous fireworks are displayed just off the White Street Pier, which is next to the Casa Marina Resort.  Advertised price is $25. For adults, $10. for kids, and tots under 3 come for free.  The celebration starts at 5 p.m. Purchase tickets at the front entrance at the Casa Marina Resort, 1500 Reynolds St., Key West.

The 4th of July Annual Bar Stroll in Red, White, & Blue is becoming another event popular for many party lovers. Start at Mile Marker 0, at the Sunset Pier, and sip and stroll your way to Island Dogs, Rum Barrel, Commodore’s Boat House Bar & Grill, Kermit’s Key Lime Shoppe, Schooner Wharf Bar, B.O.’s Fish Wagon, and wind it up on the Historic Seaport at Dante`s. Advertised price is $25. Per person , for a T-Shirt and tickets.

If you fancy seeing the fireworks by boat, you can jump aboard the beautiful schooner ‘Adirondack III,’ sail around the harbor surrounded by other boats in a thrilling festive atmosphere.  This special sail features complimentary drinks, including beer, wine, champagne and soda. Advertised price is $85. Per person.

Key West Fireworks Display over the Atlantic Ocean, just off the White Street Pier, begin at 9 p.m., courtesy of the Key West Rotary Club.

July 03, 2012