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Hurricane Season in Key West and the Importance of Travel Insurance

Hurricane Season in Key West and the Importance of Travel Insurance

Hurricane season 2016 is here. Every year it officially begins June 1, and ends November 30, with August through October as peak months when hurricanes are most likely to form in the Caribbean. While we wonder what the storm season may bring this year, we also know that everyone is excited about planning summer vacations, regardless of what may brew-up in the Atlantic. If you prepare for the possibility of a storm by purchasing trip insurance, it’s a great time to take a Key West vacation and enjoy some incredible island discounts!

Hurricane Evacuation Route sign for 2016 Blog post - 750 pix

Get a Travel Deal and Enjoy Summertime in Key West

Key West is especially alluring this time of year. With its classic Caribbean beaches and warm turquoise waters, the snorkeling, diving, sailing, and fishing is spectacular. The island has a special feeling during summer months – ripe bananas and mangos dangling in the gardens, blazing red blossoms on the Royal Poinciana trees, night blooming jasmine wafting in the breeze. A little more laid- back than the high winter season, yet with most activities, restaurants, and music in full swing and special pricing on nearly everything, including privately owned Key West vacation rentals to sweeten the deal.

Beaches with Scott at Fort Zach

Trip Insurance in Case of a Tropical Storm or Hurricane

We invite you to take a look at the special summer pricing on our website, and choose one of our variety of vacation rentals, from studio cottages to island estates. While our staff assists you in booking your property, we’ll also advise you to purchase Travel Guard Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance to protect your vacation rental investment in the unexpected event of an impending storm. Travel Guard insurance is reasonably priced, and with it you can confidently plan your Key West vacation, assured that you will receive hurricane related compensation in the event of a storm.

We advise you to choose the best policy to meet your needs and purchase travel insurance early. There are a few general rules, to be aware of: Buy insurance within 15 days of paying for the rental or making a trip deposit. Keep in mind that it’s too late if insurance is purchased on or after the day a storm is named. At that point you won’t be eligible for any hurricane-related compensation, including a refund for a canceled flight or payment for the vacation rental.

What Happens if a Hurricane Interrupts Your Trip to Key West?

You’ve booked your flights, rented your vacation home, purchased trip cancellation and interruption insurance, and now you’re prepared just in case. But what if a storm does point our way? What happens if you’re on your way to Key West or already checked into your vacation rental when a storm is named?

First, stay calm, it’s easy to stay updated during hurricane season on-line and on TV. The National Hurricane Center / NOAA in Miami, Florida provides constant tropical outlooks in the Atlantic, along with everything we need to know for tracking storm formations. If they anticipate there will be sustained winds of 74 mph or higher within 48 hours, a ‘hurricane watch’ is issued, and this lets everyone know to be ‘on guard,’ that weather conditions are favorable for severe weather and to prepare for action. When a ‘hurricane watch’ status is declared, our guests are required to pack up and leave the vacation rental and evacuate Key West, to assure they are safe from harm and any discomfort that a storm may bring.

In the event of an impending storm, at VHKW we must do our best to protect all our guests and our properties, and follow the official orders for evacuation. At this point our staff becomes busy preparing homes for a storm by securing storm shutters, storing outdoor furniture, gathering our own emergency kits, and evacuating ourselves and our families.

After a Tropical Storm or Hurricane Passes

If a named storm quickly passes or misses Key West completely, you may be able to return to Key West to finish your vacation stay.  Regardless, of what happens, you can rest assured that your trip interruption and cancellation insurance will compensate you for vacation days lost.

The last major hurricane that hit Key West was Wilma in 2005. Even with the severity of that storm, Key West managed to get things cleaned up and back in action in a very short order. Key West is a small very diverse community with a strong sense of connectedness among our island residents.  Our motto is “One Human Family,” and when disaster does strike it is amazing how quickly residents pitch in to help each other get everything back on track, and our island beautified for all to enjoy. But, regardless of our hometown compassion, for those of us who have been through hurricanes, we know how big the toll can be in terms of stress as well as dollars. We invite our guests to come to Key West in the summertime –  to expect the best, but be prepared for the worst, just in case there is a storm.


June 10, 2016