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Summer Is Here & The Poincianas Are All Ablaze

Summer Is Here & The Poincianas Are All Ablaze


It is almost imposable to miss these guys around town this time of year. We know them as Royal Poinciana, although they are also called by other names, Delonix Regia being the scientific. This tree is noted for its fern-like leaves and flamboyant display of flowers. This is why its known to some as The Flamboyant Poinciana. It is also one of several trees known as The Flame tree. No matter what you call it, the beauty of this tree in full bloom, is second to none. The oblong seed pods also make great musical instruments and a neat souvenir to take home. If you are in Key West, take a moment and look up, and appreciate their beauty. Poinciana are at their peek during the first months of summer. It’s worth making a trip to Key West just to see them, or be grateful if you are lucky enough to visit Key West while they are in bloom.


June 12, 2014