Vacation Homes of Key West – VHKW Hosts Business After Hours With The Chamber of Commerce

Vacation Homes of Key West ~ VHKW, recently opened our office doors to host the evening May, 2017, Key West Chamber of Commerce After Hours Event. Our office is located downtown, at Mile Marker 0, and we were excited to share our beautiful space with other Chamber Members. We gathered on the expansive back deck outside our office kitchen, to share refreshments and enjoy the company of other Key West business owners and professional leaders of our local island community.
In the world of vacation rental internet business, VHKW staff members constantly engage our customers and professionals through social media for on-line networking. However, we continue to find there is no comparison with good old fashioned in-person net-working. As members of our local Key West Chamber of Commerce, our staff enjoys participating in the regular chamber events. Key West is a unique community, and getting together for a business social, always promises an opportunity to build on our commitment to sustain and develop locally owned and operated commerce with other merchants.
We also had the pleasure to create some new relationships. We are very excited to announce one of them – the partnership between VHKW and The Old Island Restoration Foundation – What better way for us to show our appreciation of the original Key West architecture and heritage and help preserve the Historic Key West Homes ! After all this is our Mission Statement.
Hosting the Key West Chamber of Commerce After Hours Event, was a wonderful opportunity for VHKW to invite our fellow Chamber members into our business for a more in-depth look at our operation. Our office is set in two transformed historic Victorian houses in Old Town Key West, and we enjoyed sharing our unique spaces which are authentically decorated by local artists.
And, to share a stellar example of the VHKW Rental Management Program and its benefits, we also offered members a chance to tour our Heavenly Hideout Vacation Rental. This is just one example of a property VHKW renovated and decorated to become a one-of-a-kind licensed weekly vacation rental.
As always these events are a great opportunity to see old friends and make new ones, and as we say often – to “put a face to the voice behind the phone!” It was a pleasure for VHKW to host the May 2017 Business After Hours and we can’t wait to see everyone at the next event!