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Art Key West Kicks off Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Dec. 1st.

Art Key West Kicks off Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Dec. 1st.

ART! Key West!™ is a three day, island-wide, art festival focused in downtown Key West. It is a celebration of the many artists, galleries, boutiques, restaurants, and art-focused emporiums. Performance art, sculpture, interactive art, and musical performances are scheduled into the lively and coordinated art walk.

The events start Wednesday with a kickoff party at Coast in Stock Island.

From 7-11pm, COAST at 6404 Front Street, Stock Island will be hosting a kickoff event showcasing new workspaces and pieces by their resident artists Cayman-Smith Martin, Nellie Appleby, and Adam Russell as well as live music and handcrafted surf and skateboards by COAST Founder Billy Kearins.  Call 305.395.9127, for more information.

The schedule is as follows:

Friday, Nov 29
Truman & White Street District | 12-11pm 
12-8pm: TSKW – Live Mural Painting (Sculpture and Nature Garden).
12-10pm: Key West Pottery Co. – Street Art Mural. With artists Marlene Koenig & Justin Esqinaldo.
1-4pm: TSKW – Kids Mural Painting (Sculpture and Nature Garden).
4-6pm: Casa Marina – Culinary demonstration with Chef Alex Beaumount. Wine Pairing included. Call for reservations at 305-296-3535 ext 6202.
5-7pm: TSKW – Open Studios (Armory, second floor). Inviting one and all to check out the works and creative spaces of our fabulous in-house artists.
Open 10am-4pm
5-8pm: Stone Soup Gallery – All art is $150! With performances by Fringe Theater at 6:30p.
5-8pm: Harrison Gallery – Featuring Helen Harrison and guest Artist: Hays Blinckmann.
5-8pm: SALT Island Provisions ”pop-up” shop at Fleming Street Gallery – Featuring Eric Anfinson’s paintings and 2014 Art Calendar Release Party.
6-9pm: “Lost at Sea” – Featuring the work of artist Garth & Katie Holtcamp at a pop-up gallery at Don’s Place, 1000 Truman Ave.
6-11pm: “Head On Key West” – Featuring artist Tom Flip’s Interactive Portrait Project at Key West Pottery Co.
6-11pm: Key West Pottery Co. (HUB) – Featuring music, wheel demonstrations at 7pm & 9pm, video installation, and all-day, live-action Street Art Murals.
6:30pm: Fringe Theater at Stone Soup Gallery – Performance of 3 short plays. 
 7-8pm: TSKW – Mural Finale Celebration – (Sculpture and Nature Garden)
Open 6-9pm
6-9pm: Grace Boutique – “Eyes Wide Shut” Anniversary Ball and Runway Show at 8pm. Hosted by Star Grace, featuring DJ Matlock and Chef Pauly appetizers. You can pick up masks from Grace Boutique Nov 20th – decorate your own “Eyes Wide Shut” style and enter in the mask competition to win $150 gift certificate.
8pm: Coffee Mill Dance Studio – Coffee Mill Young Dance Collectives performance.
8:30pm: Fringe Theater at CoffeeMill Dance Studio – Performance of 3 short plays.
Saturday, Nov 30
Historic Seaport District | 12pm-2am
10am-3pm: Audubon House – Featuring artists Sherry Sweet Tewell and Lady O., Fringe Theater productions, and FREE garden admission with AKW! button.
10am-3pm: Coffee Plantation – Featuring the local art of Diane and Theo Glorie.
10am-5pm: Key West Art Center – Open house. Check out our new season of Florida Keys artists!
11am & 12:30pm: Fringe Theater at Audubon House – Performance of 3 short plays.
12-2p: Key West Writers Guild – Reading and presentation of the Short Story Contest winners at TSKW Sculpture Garden.
12-4pm: The Green Parrot Bar – Barside Impromptu Poetry with the Key West Poetry Guild. The Green Parrots Bucket List & Cayman Smith Martin Live Mural Painting
12-4pm: Art@830 Gallery & Studio – Artist Dawn Wilkins will be demonstrating her process of handmade botanical prints and Christine Cordone will be doing a watercolor painting. Enjoying light refreshments and great art.
Open 10am-9pm
12-4pm: Wet Paint Gallery – Artist Martha dePoo will be greeting and signing artwork for customers. Wine and refreshments will be served.
Open 10am-8pm
12-6pm: Guild Hall Gallery – Refreshments and ongoing art demonstrations, featuring artists Susan O’Neill, Elena Proper, Poochie Myers, Ann Irvine, Antonio, Ron Van Balen, and Michael Phillips.
12-8pm: Green Parrot – Street Art Mural with Cayman Smith Martin.
12-8pm: Lucky Street Gallery – Street Art Mural with Rick Worth, and  Auction at6:30pm.
12-8pm: Ocean Key Resort & Spa – Street Art Mural on the the Sunset Pier with artists Madek U. and Garth Holtcamp.
2-6pm: Joy Gallery – Register for drawings for FREE Prints and Refreshments.
4-9pm: Custom House – “The Old 91 Block Party” features kids activities & Window Mural Project unveiling. Click here for more details on the Custom House Window Mural Project.
4-9pm: The Westin – Enjoy drinks and delectable entrees on the pier, while prominent Key West artists entertain guests with a special “Sunset Illusion” experience—superimposing their likeness into a Key West sunset.
5-7pm & 8-10pm: Kelly’s Caribbean – Featuring Local Artists & Happy Hour from 5-7pm & Merry Agape from 8-10pm.
5-7pm: Lucky Street Gallery (HUB) – Juried new artist show featuring AKW Hub and outdoor area with street artists and all-day, live-action Street Art Mural & Auction with Rick Worth and DJ Jenni.
5-8pm: Native Colors – Open house featuring several new additions to our stainless steel marine life collection. One is an absolute MUST see! Wine. Cheese. Sweets. Art Raffle, too!
6pm: Waterfront Playhouse – Open rehearsal of “Leading Ladies”. Wine & Cheese Reception with the Director & Cast at 7pm. Reservations required, seating is limited. 305-294-5015 or
6pm: Fringe Theater at Lucky Street Gallery – Performance of 3 short plays.
6-9pm: Island Style Galleries – Champagne reception with music.
6-10pm: Paradise Tattoo – Living Canvas – The Art & History of Tattoo- Sponsored by Sailor Jerry- Drinks & Food 7-8pm
9-11:30pm: Sunset Pier Ocean Key Resort & Spa – Nightcap Party, DJ, Projections & Food!
12-2am: Green Parrot – Latenight ART! Key West Party.
Sunday, Dec 1
South Duval District | 10am-6pm
10am: Truman Waterfront, Giants In The City – “Blow Up Brunch” with mimosas and bagels to watch the inflation of renowned Giants In The City.
10am-2pm: Restaurant Store – Artisan open air market with booths that feature artists, food, produce, flower or herb vendors. With music, activities for kids, and live-action Street Art Murals.
10am-2pm: The Westin Key West Resort – Indulgent brunch at Bistro 245 – a distinctive array of your favorite cuisine with an unforgettable waterfront view.
11am & 12pm: Fringe Theater at Restaurant Store – Performance of 3 short plays.
11am-4pm: Hands On Gallery – Premier gallery showing.
11am-4pm: Wicker Guesthouse – Street Art Mural.
11am-4pm: Restaurant Store – Street Art Mural with artist Marky Pierson.
12-3pm: Banana Café – Artistic culinary offering will be a Berry Supreme Crepe.
12-4pm: Florida Keys Council of the Arts at Gato Building – Exhibit Open House & Reception in the Historic Gato Building, 1100 Simonton St. Featuring Members’ Show – “It Takes an Island….” Mixed media works on display, lending ARTS library & refreshments.
12-4pm: Frangipani Gallery – New show by Susann D’Antonio and Artist Reception. Features a winding path traveling from the abstract to semi realistic as an exploration of encaustic painting in both 2 and 3D.  A variety of mixed media is incorporated into the wax to add depth, dimension and interest.
12-4pm: South Pointe Gallery – Vintage Poster Season Opening & Reception.
12-4pm: Blueye Images, The Gallery – Featuring Key West artists of multiple disciplines, as well as a special performance by Key West Contemporary Dance Co.
12-4pm: Island Arts Co-Op Gallery – Featuring reception for 7 artists of the Island Arts Co-Op.
12-4pm: Archeo Gallery – Featuring ancient art for modern living.
2-4pm: Alan S. Maltz Gallery – Preview Alan S. Maltz’s newest book of breathtakingly beautiful images, Journey to Paradise. Alan will sign books and posters especially for AKW! attendees.
2-4pm: Doug Mayberry Real Estate – Featured art exhibition entitled “#YKeyWest?,” featuring Michael Philip.
2:30p: Fringe Theater at Doug Mayberry Real Estate – Performance of 3 short plays.
5-7:30pm: The Gardens Hotel – Live jazz in the Gardens.
November 26, 2013