Key West Christmas Lighted Bike Parade Storms the White Street Pier

The Christmas Lighted Bike Parade happened on Wednesday night, December 19, and caught me by surprise when at least 50 of them stormed the White Street Pier at around 10:15 pm when I was out for a jog. Bikes all lit up one of them carried a boom-box playing Christmas carols while participants spontaneously shouted out “Merry Christmas” in a gruff Grinch like voice. It was startling and fun as I watched them spin around the Pier in circles.
Caught in the center, I felt a little bit like I was in the middle of a round up’ for a few minutes. Lots of laughs and smiles, and one guy yelled out to me, “Hey – did you lose your bike? Key West loves a party and a parade, and this was a great group of creative fun lovers. Glad I got caught up in the thrill.