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Winter Vacation Season In Old Town Key West-

As the new year gets it start here in the southernmost city, we take a minute to look at why our tiny island is the destination for over 2 million visitors each year. Most of whom come during the winter months. Here is a short list of why our winter is better than yours.
- First on our list is the weather. While most of the country is picking up the snow shovel, just to get out of the driveway, people in Key West are still heading to the beach. The month of January is characterized by gradually falling daily high temperatures, with daily highs around 76°F throughout the month, exceeding 82°F or dropping below 67°F only one day in ten. One in 10 days below 70°! That leaves 9 out of 10 day with prime beach weather, even in January. As you can see from the photo below, even the “Arctic Blast” that crippled the Northeast this week didn’t stop Key West visitors from hitting the beach. Proving that a Key West beach is better than a snow covered driveway, even on its coldest day.
- Seasonal events such as the Key West Literary Seminar, and the Key West Historic House & Garden Tours are a big drawl for the island. Below is a selection of events you will find taking place this time of year in key west.
32nd Annual Key West Literary Seminar January 9 – 19, 54th Annual Key West Historic House & Garden Tours January 17 – 18, Ninth Annual Florida Keys Seafood Festival January 18 – 19, Premier Sailboat Racing presents: Quantum Key West January 19 – 24, and the Civil War Days Heritage Festival February 7 – 9.
- Last on our list for favorite things about the winter season in Key West is the seafood! This is the middle or end of our lobster and stone crab seasons, as well as prime time for wahoo, tuna and other seasonal catches. If you are a connoisseur of fine ocean dwelling eats, this is your ticket to some mouthwatering plates. Another thing to keep in mind is that the fishing is great this time of year. Book a fishing trip with one of our local key west charter captains. Catch your own and bring it to your favorite restaurant in town. Manny local eateries will cook up you catch for you.
January 09, 2014